The Waiting Game

What happens when we lay in wait?

Shall I mourn my loss…regain my hope?

My heart filled to the rim with mixed emotions & dreaded anticipation of what might come next…

How much worse can it really get right!?!?!

One more label to change what?

An image blurred by a mirror that never truly shows me who I really am…

A broken body holding on to stand up straight & strong…

HA! My licensed dealer ready to pump me full of promised cures…

Only to wear a bandaid for today’s symptoms & tomorrow’s troubles

No more, no less

I sit & wait

Copyright Karen Zea 2018

More and more of my time; my days are consumed by waiting in lobbies or hours of traffic to make it to the next appointment…to the next diagnosis….the next prescription because they all promise to make it better.

How do you explain this to a child that is tired of the lengthy hours, missed events, and broken promises to something that will never go away….it might regress, lay dormant…but never really…really go away so….

Rather than sit and get depressed by it all there in a waiting room for all to see…well we write, listen to music, we ground ourselves and hope for a better outcome today…tomorrow.

Published by Life, one moment at a time...

In my 40's and still asking what am I going to do next; after an industrial injury that fractured my spine, demolished my jaw-left me with severe TMJ, and a whole list of other complaints I still attempt to conquer my fears. I am still a mother to three amazing kids whom all have been diagnosed with Autism Disorders, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and a long list of this and a little bit of that. Each and every day they continue to leave me in awe as they are more brave and stronger than anyone I know. My husband is our rock; always ready to roll with the punches as he is my anchor and keeps me from "flyin over the Cuckoo's nest." Enjoy the ride with us as we share one story or photo at a time

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