Through the Darkness

Through the Darkness

Drowning in all that is you…malicious upbringing

malevolent cooing of a strange butterflied wing child

here within your concealed curtains

those of which appear to be normal

yes…the color shame engulfs her lament

dancing the day away

down those dreaded stairs she runs

like a tiny little soldier without a home

she forgets often…why she’s there…

Spin her… again and again…

She knows all too well how to keep your secrets

Lost in all that you’ve called love

pigtails flying back and forth

To and from…

Right where you want her…

Where you need her to be…

How does she taste?

The girl that blindly saves you

time and time again…

Tell yourself her damage is worth your time

Lick your wounds child…

in your head where the monsters come out and play

Purple stains her body thick

with the smell of you

“Ssssshhhhhhhh….it’s gonna be ok”

Never returning and she forgets

Right where you want her…

Where you need her to be…

Stay within the sick…

Long ago her innocence lost

when she spoke of incessant dreams

and maniacal days where deep down

She knows exactly what you are…

who you are…

and the world keeps on going;

spinning for her…again and again…


Published by Life, one moment at a time...

In my 40's and still asking what am I going to do next; after an industrial injury that fractured my spine, demolished my jaw-left me with severe TMJ, and a whole list of other complaints I still attempt to conquer my fears. I am still a mother to three amazing kids whom all have been diagnosed with Autism Disorders, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and a long list of this and a little bit of that. Each and every day they continue to leave me in awe as they are more brave and stronger than anyone I know. My husband is our rock; always ready to roll with the punches as he is my anchor and keeps me from "flyin over the Cuckoo's nest." Enjoy the ride with us as we share one story or photo at a time

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